TYH Torah Pesach Companion >>

It isn’t the happy who are grateful

It’s the grateful who are happy

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Gratitude is a never-ending story

Pearls of Wisdom
Thank you Hashem for creating such special people, you constantly think of ways to Help- INSPIRE others!

Ben Taplin

Thank you Hashem for my kids being able to go back to Yeshiva!!!

Rivi Klahr

Thank you Hashem for everything!!! I recognise that everything I have is from you and everything that happens is from...
Thank you Hashem for rain!!!

Thank you Hashem for the health of my family, and their continued good health

Suzanne Meyers

Thank you Hashem for family and for keeping my loved ones safe!

Avigail Perkowski

Thank you Hashem for my wife and my children. They are my life!

Gadi Fuchs

Thank you Hashem for Making the world Go round each day!

Shabsie Saphirstein

Thank you Hashem for keeping me healthy and able to enjoy my beautiful family

Arya Checkanow

Thank you Hashem for boundless, infinite, all-encompassing thank You to our compassionate creator. You are with us, h...
Thank you Hashem for my amazing wonderful boys

Rebecca Spirn

Thank you Hashem for giving me the opportunity to wear tzitis everyday

Jacob Friedman

Thank you hashem for keeping my family healthy


Thank you Hashem for the wonderful way You made the world and for letting me be part of the jewish story!

Shlomie Rubin

Thank you Hashem for this chaos. It is darkest before the dawn. From chaos comes order. Thank you for the chaos! Now ...
Thank you Hashem for my family our blessings and in particular our health!

Thank you Hashem for ZOOM FIRE FIRE FIRE TORAH!!!!

Shlomo Katz

Thank you Hashem for my parents that feed me, cloth me and put a roof over my head

Yehuda Jacknin
